Monday, August 2, 2010

4 Months!!

Little man is getting SO Big!!

Weight: 14.15 (52%)
Height: 25.25 (63%)
Head: 16.25 (25%)
He is such a happy and good baby. He still sleeps through the night. I put him down around 9pm and he wakes up at 7am. It is SO wonderful. He loves to smile and laugh. He loves his brothers. He has started grabbing things and tries to get them into his mouth. He almost has the full roll over down. The doctor was very impressed with his strength. We might have another A on our hands. The baby looks exactly like A so it is only fitting that he be as strong as him. We LOVE, Love, love ya son and couldn't imagine our family without you. You are a great additional!!


  1. What a handsome little fella. You guys make the cutest little boys. He does look like little Ash. Hope all is well for you guys. Can't believe how fast the time is going. He is 4 months already and little Tatum is 2 months. They change so quickly.
